Transform a log cabin into a gym!

You heard it here first! 

With the Home Gym experience becoming increasingly popular, GymkitUK are teaming up with industry professionals and UK based 'Tiger Sheds' to offer a home gym experience like no other.

What better concept than to transform a Log Cabin - into your own Gym! A Gym situated in your back garden, with scenic out door surroundings whilst you workout at your own pleasure. (Music blaring if you like!)

If you're a Business Owner, why not add an innovative, prestigious touch to your centre and provide an outdoor gym - competitive edge at it's finest! 

 Log cabin transformation

 How you say?

Simply choose your Cabin and choose your Gym package! 

Give us an indication of your flooring and lighting requirements - then hey presto - you're done! All of the 'Nitty Gritty' stuff we will take care of, so you receive a hassle free, one time, professional service.

Each gym package will consist of the following:

(The pricing of the packages are differentiated by brand. We offer a three tiered package of Standard, Silver and Gold.)

CALL TODAY: 0845 485 6801

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