Pilates reformer

What many people don’t know is that incorporating Pilates reformer sessions into a cross-training routine can enhance performance in other sports and activities. But how? You may picture a relaxed session of various poses on a mat. But Pilates has so much more to offer, especially when you leverage a reformer orcadillac. We’re covering everything you need to know about the how and why of adding Pilates to your cross-training.

Does Pilates count as cross-training?

Cross-training involves engaging in a variety of different types of exercise to improve overall fitness and avoid muscle imbalances. Pilates can be a great addition to a cross-training program because it can improve flexibility, posture, core strength and much more.

Pilates exercises can be performed on a mat or on a reformer, and some exercises incorporate resistance training using a combination of body weight and pulley springs.

Benefits of adding Pilates to your cross-training

Enhance muscle strength

Pilates uses your body weight for resistance and focuses on working both small and large groups of muscles. This form of exercise can also help to correct muscle imbalances by working on all the major muscles in the body to ensure even conditioning and strength throughout your entire body.

It’s a low impact exercise

Pilates is also low-impact, making it a good choice for runners or those recovering from an injury. Using the reformer, you can further reduce the strain on your joints. And that’s not to mention the enhanced resistance strength training to boost the cartilage and muscle support around your joints. This is great news for athletes who need to take care of their bones and joints to minimise the risk of injury.

Improve your posture

Pilates can also support posture, spine alignment, and motion flexibility. By working with a physiotherapist and specialist Pilates instructors, you can work on your posture and improve your range of motion, ensuring your body is moving in the most beneficial way for your musculoskeletal system.

Boost core strength

Pilates can significantly improve your core strength over time as it engages the back and abdominal muscles. By strengthening these muscles, Pilates helps to improve spinal and pelvic stability, which can reduce the risk of falls and improve posture.

Good for relaxation

The movements are designed to be performed slowly, making a change from some of the more explosive or fast-paced exercises you might be used to. It warms your muscles up gently while still offering an impactful, challenging workout. With a focus on breath work and mindfulness, Pilates brings an element of relaxation to your training.

Pilates isn’t just for women. Men can join in and experience the physical benefits.

What should you cross-train with Pilates?

Pilates cross trains well with pretty much any other exercise or sporting activity. With a focus on breath work, this helps prepare your lungs for cardio activities such as running, swimming and cycling.

Meanwhile, resistance training gives your muscles a gentle, but impactful, strength boost, which is beneficial for any professional or competing athlete. This gives you strength and offers more protection for your bones and joints.

As if all that wasn’t enough, the range of motion is designed to enhance posture, flexibility and movement. In its infancy, Pilates was used to help injured dancers recover by working through a range of movements that were designed to correct, strengthen and rehabilitate the body.

Pilates equipment for you

Overall, Pilates can be a valuable addition to a cross-training program, especially for those looking to improve core strength and flexibility. Thinking of taking up Pilates or enhancing your current routine? We have all the advanced Pilates equipment for commercial and home use you need to get started and grow your strength. Enjoy the benefits and feel stronger and healthier in your body. Shop online at Gymkit for a smooth checkout and delivery experience.