all the wonders Pilates can do for you and your body

Here are all the wonders Pilates can do for you and your body

Pilates is all about enhancing body strength and control. There are tonnes of other benefits, though, and we’re exploring these in our guide. Explore the seven wonders of a great Pilates routine right here.

Achieving a toned body

Your Pilates sessions can be tailored to work on a wide range of muscles. This can help ensure even toning. In particular, many of the movements engage your core and abdominal muscles. In fact, you can tone without creating bulk. So, if your objective is to sculpt a leaner body while also feeling stronger, this is the perfect exercise for you.

Helps you manage your weight

This can help you manage your weight in a healthy, sustainable way. You’ll burn calories with every session and tone rather than bulk your muscles. How many calories are burned will depend on the intensity of the workout and the individual. However, you could burn on average 500 calories for an hour of an advanced Pilates session.

Boost core stability, balance and posture

By stretching your body and ironing out tension and stiffness in your back, neck and shoulders, you should be able to reduce the risk of developing lower back pain. You should be able to improve your posture as well.

Reduce the risk of sustaining injuries

Particularly as we get older, our bodies are more likely to trip us up. It can also take longer for us to heal. However, getting in a weekly session of Pilates could help save you a trip to the doctor. Why? It strengthens your bones and improves your ability to balance. These two factors help to lower the effects of ageing. This brings us nicely onto our next point…

Pilates for rehabilitation

Pilates has been used for physical therapy since its infancy. Founder Joseph Pilates invented the exercises as a way to rehabilitate injured professional dancers - to great success. It’s a particularly effective and gentle remedy for easing sprains and strains. Today, it can be used as an effective method for rehabilitation after an injury or even after surgery, easing movement in the body.

Embrace the mindfulness mindset

Pilates helps you reconnect with your body, feeling every stretch. When you challenge your body physically, it helps you become more present. By getting your blood pumping in an advanced session, you’ll also boost your body’s ability to transport oxygen and nutrients. This can help improve your levels of concentration in your everyday life, which is a win for your personal and professional lives. Get mental clarity and feel calmer in your body. In fact, Pilates is recommended for people who have low-level anxiety issues.

Boost athletic performance

If you’re looking to push your athletic performance further, Pilates might just help you achieve your goals. Athletes stand to improve their overall fitness. Pilates can help bring variety, with cardio, flexibility, strengthening, balance and coordination benefits.

Pilates equipment for your home

Thinking of taking up Pilates or enhancing your current routine? We have all the advanced Pilates equipment you need to get started and grow your strength. Enjoy the benefits and feel stronger and healthier in your body. Shop online at Gymkit for a smooth checkout and delivery experience.