Can You Get A Good Workout With A Recumbent Bike?

Can You Get A Good Workout With A Recumbent Bike?

If you’ve reached your senior years, or you just simply want to be able to lay back and cycle at the end of a long day, find out whether a recumbent bike offers a good workout.

Any type of exercise bike that gets your heart pumping is good cardio. However, let’s take a look at whether it affects your performance or whether you can train happily knowing you’re receiving all the benefits of a great cardio workout.

The recumbent bike takes less effort to balance and move the pedals - so while you may not work as hard, you can still get all the cardio and muscle toning benefits. The seat helps you to balance as you ride, meaning you won’t have to worry about losing your balance and falling off. Instead, you can focus your effort solely on pedalling.

It may also be a good choice, if you experience lower back pain as your body will be more supported. It could also ensure you don’t adopt poor posture habits. However, the best benefit of all for senior users is that the position puts less pressure on your joints.

It’s recommended that you warm up for five minutes before doing a 30 minute session. It’s certainly a comfortable and supportive way to exercise in your older years or if you need that extra support

Any downfalls?

With a recumbent bike, you use your muscles slightly differently, but the same ones that you’d use with an upright bike are still engaged. This includes your leg and glute muscles.

If you want the full cycling experience though and are looking to train for races on the road, we’d recommend the upright exercise bike as this will offer the most realistic conditions.

At Gymkit UK we sell recumbent exercise bikes from leading brands, including Life Fitness, Star Trac and Precor. Order yours online today.